Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Vendor Spotlight: THE RAINING SEASON

This story is very close to my heart.  It is the story of an organization called The Raining Season, which finds its home both in Sierra Leone, West Africa and in America.  That statement alone wells up emotion in me because The Raining Season is really a family, living on two separate continents but standing together in order to defend the cause of orphaned children in Sierra Leone.  In America, TRS works to meet the administrative needs of this ministry.  On African soil, TRS works to meet the everyday needs of the children and community.  In both cases, it is the love of Jesus and these precious children that is the tie that binds.

The Raining Season began in 2007 when a family who had adopted from Sierra Leone 3 years before wanted to do more to make a difference in the lives of those there.  On a trip in 2008, God began to unveil the deplorable conditions of so many children in this country.  It was made very clear that more had to be done.  So in 2009, The Raining Season opened The Covering, an orphan care center that provides 24/7 care to 110+ children.

Allow me to show you some "before and after" photos of Moses, one such child who is now home at The Covering.  A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say....

I traveled to The Covering this past summer, and part of my heart is still there.  The Spirit of God is palatable.  You can see it in the love and dedication and passion of the staff as they are, quite literally, COVERING these precious ones with their love.  You can hear it in the always singing voices of these joy filled children.  You can feel it as their hands hold on to yours and in the pure affection of their sweet hugs.  

This place is more than an orphanage.  One leader there said that he calls it a life development center, and that it is.  In addition to having their basic needs met, these children are receiving constant Biblical teaching and discipleship.  They attend school at the center in the elementary years, then are taken to a local school as they grow older.  The children are taught life skills and given ministry opportunities within and beyond the walls that surround their home.  They are matched with sponsors in America, with whom they develop precious relationships and affectionally call "Auntie" and "Uncle."  (I am one such "Auntie," and I could write another whole story on the sweetness of this relationship and the ways our sponsored children minister to us!")  At the Covering, these children can begin to heal and grow.  And then THRIVE!

The story of TRS so clearly belongs HERE, on the A New Thing blog, because from the beginning it has been obvious that God had a master plan to do a new thing - to redeem and restore the lives of these children.  And we are thrilled that they will be represented at the Marketplace with their beautiful handmade items.  You can expect coffee bean necklaces, fabric bracelets, purses, and much more!

The merchandise in an of itself is beautiful, but let me tell you about the beautiful hands that did the crafting.  One of the caregivers at The Covering, Auntie Hawa, is the creator of many of these goods, and she and others have involved some of the older children in creating their merchandise as well!  My first impression of Auntie Hawa was her dancing joyfully with the children at our welcome ceremony upon our arrival.  Throughout the week, I watched that same joy overflow from her heart and onto the special needs children she cares for every day.  And you know what, those children are FULL of joy!  The merchandise has been purchased from Auntie Hawa and other craftsmen and women in Sierra Leone, so EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR is being directly invested into this community!!! 

Before I left for Africa this summer I had reservations about leaving my family behind and traveling ahead into the unknown.  But, I had a clear sense that Jesus was going to meet me there.  And I was so right.  I've never seen such a powerful and beautiful example of God's redemptive love.  He is working in a mighty way through the servants at The Raining Season!

The money you spend at The Raining Season's booth will go directly to their ministry.  And I can personally attest to the fact that the money they receive is handled with the utmost integrity, going directly to care for the needs of these children.  

PURCHASE WITH PURPOSE!  What a blessing to know that the money you spend at this booth, perhaps to purchase gifts for your loved ones, will in turn become a gift to these children.  I can think of no better return on an investment than that!

You can learn more about the ministry of The Raining Season HERE.

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